
Offering Hope – Sharing Jesus

Lighthouse welcome

Lighthouse Baptist Church meets at 9:30am on Sunday mornings at 19 Government Rd, Nelson Bay

We want to warmly welcome you. At Lighthouse Baptist church we are about "Offering Hope by Sharing Jesus".

We are passionate about loving God and sharing the joy that Jesus brings.  We are a bible believing, family orientated and contemporary church community. 

We are committed to

  • declaring Jesus Christ as Lord,
  • sharing the good news that Jesus has come to save
  • practically showing the love of Jesus to all.

We are part of the wider denomination of Baptist churches which operate nationally and internationally, as a committed member of the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT.

Our message is streamed each week online from about 9.45am.

Click the You Tube icon to access Live Stream and to access past services from our You Tube channel

A message from our pastor, Grant Morrison

You are probably aware that there is a ‘liturgical church calendar’. This ‘calendar’ contains key dates and times for churches that are observed or can be observed throughout the year. Our Baptist tradition does not follow much of this calendar although we do make a big thing of Easter and Christmas. 

In March and right up to Easter is a time known as Lent. This year, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 5th March. It is observed for 40 days and Christians are encouraged to give up something during this time as a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made to save the world from sin. This period of 40 days echoes the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan.

I certainly do not want us to be bound by this liturgical calendar however there are some good ideas, and Lent is one of these. This year my suggestion is that you have a go at entering into the idea of Lent where you might give up something or engage in an activity through March and up to Easter.

Some suggestions could be to give up chocolate or some other specific food or drink. Maybe it’s to engage in exercise or to undertake a new prayer initiative such as setting your phone alarm to a certain time and to pray specifically for the lost. You might set yourself the challenge of phoning or messaging a different person each day with an encouragement. You might go without buying your regular coffee, save the money and donate those funds to a charity or project. There are plenty of options, limited only by our imagination and willingness.

The most important aspect of Lent is to prepare us for the reflection and celebration of Easter. I’d be interested to hear from you as to what you will do for Lent 2025.



Preaching in March

2nd    1 Cor 3: 1-23    "The church and its leaders"    Grant Morrison

9th    1 Cor 4: 1-21  "True apostleship"    Grant Morrison

16th    1 Cor 8     "Causing some to stumble"    Grant Morrison

23rd    1 Cor 9    "Freedom and self-discipline"    Grant Morrison

30th    1 Cor 10    "Freedom in perspective"    Grant Morrison


What's on in March

Revival prayer meeting - before church each Sunday from 9 am

Church prayer meeting - 2nd Sunday of every month, 9th March after the service

Harbourside Haven singing - 13th March at 10.15 am

Sunday Kids - every Sunday during term time