Offering Hope – Sharing Jesus
Lighthouse Baptist Church meets at 9:30am on Sunday mornings at 19 Government Rd, Nelson Bay
We want to warmly welcome you. At Lighthouse Baptist church we are about "Offering Hope by Sharing Jesus".
We are passionate about loving God and sharing the joy that Jesus brings. We are a bible believing, family orientated and contemporary church community.
We are committed to
- declaring Jesus Christ as Lord,
- sharing the good news that Jesus has come to save
- practically showing the love of Jesus to all.
We are part of the wider denomination of Baptist churches which operate nationally and internationally, as a committed member of the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT.
Our message is streamed each week online from about 9.45am.
Click the You Tube icon to access Live Stream and to access past services from our You Tube channel
Preaching in October
6th Allan Johnston John: 1: 1-18 "Who are you, Jesus?"
13th Allan Johnston John 1: 19-34 "Who are you, John?"
20th Allan Johnston John 2: 1-11 "New wine, new heart"
27th Bob Huggett John 3: 1-21 "New birth into life and light"
What’s on in October?
Revival prayer meeting
Before church each Sunday from 9 am in the Prayer Room.
The Mission Prayer meeting that was held on the second Monday of the month will now be included during this prayer time on the second Sunday of each month.
Church prayer meeting
2nd Sunday of every month.......on 13th October after the service.
Harbourside Haven singing
We will meet at the Nursing Home, Shoal Bay on Thursday 10th October at 10.15 am to be ready for a 10.30am start.
Anyone who enjoys singing hymns and/or mingling and supporting the residents is welcome to join us. Rick Pearce leads on piano with Rodger Fettell on double bass and we make a joyful noise to the Lord!!
Please chat to Bob Huggett (0431 274 166) for further information.
Sunday kids
Every Sunday during school term.
Enrich women - Saturday 5 October
Saturday morning walk/coffee, meeting at Magnolia cafe at the marina at 8.30 for a walk, or 9 am for coffee.