
Offering Hope – Sharing Jesus

Lighthouse welcome

Lighthouse Baptist Church meets at 9:30am on Sunday mornings at 19 Government Rd, Nelson Bay

We want to warmly welcome you. At Lighthouse Baptist church we are about "Offering Hope by Sharing Jesus".

We are passionate about loving God and sharing the joy that Jesus brings.  We are a bible believing, family orientated and contemporary church community. 

We are committed to

  • declaring Jesus Christ as Lord,
  • sharing the good news that Jesus has come to save
  • practically showing the love of Jesus to all.

We are part of the wider denomination of Baptist churches which operate nationally and internationally, as a committed member of the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT.

Our message is streamed each week online from about 9.45am.

Click the You Tube icon to access Live Stream and to access past services from our You Tube channel

A message from our pastor, Grant Morrison

This new year is well and truly underway. We live in a waterside paradise where we see boats and yachts of all shapes and sizes. With this boating theme in mind, it’s welcome to February 2025. Most of the church family are back on deck, now it’s time to weigh anchor and unfurl the sails.

We will begin February and a new school term with an exploration of 1 Corinthians. Corinth was a port city, so it seems appropriate to go with the boating analogy and there are some particular similarities. There were good things happening in the church but there were also some issues that Paul needed to address. We will explore these this term.

Our boat, the church, will have to ride the swells brought on by the waves and storms of life. Sometimes sailing is just plain hard work especially if we’re not all pulling in the same direction. This is when the lessons learned by the church in Corinth can be helpful for us.

When it’s not plain sailing, life can seem like hard work and in sailing parlance it’s like tacking into the wind. At other times we can enjoy sailing with the wind at our back and can put up a spinnaker and catch the wind of the Spirit.

My hope is that we might all pull together, turn our boat, the church, from tacking into the wind. Then to be able to head where God would have us so we might benefit from having full sails.

Many Blessings,


Preaching in February

2nd    1 Cor 1: 1-9    Bible Project Corinthians overview    Grant Morrison

9th    1 Cor 1: 10-17  "Divided over leaders"    Grant Morrison

16th    1 Cor 1: 18 - 2:5    "Christ crucified is power and wisdom"    Grant Morrison

23rd    1 Cor 2:6-16    "The spirit reveals wisdom"    Grant Morrison


What's on in February

Revival prayer meeting - before church each Sunday from 9 am

Church prayer meeting - 2nd Sunday of every month, 9th February after the service

Harbourside Haven singing - 12th February at 10.15 am

Sunday Kids - every Sunday during term time